gully density meaning in Chinese
- Applying the basic theories of spatial data mining and geomorphology , taking the loess plateau of north shaanxi province , china as the research area , this dissertation explored the theories and systematic structures of geomorphologic data mining and acknowledge discovery from dems , ascertained the systematic structures of topographic factors and synthetic topographic acknowledge , as well as systemically summarized mining algorithms from dems . the author pa id more attention also to analyze the principle and algorithm of flow length , curvature , relief , the earth ' s surface incision and gully density . in this research , the elementary constitutes and mining algorithms of regional character acknowledge in the loess plateau were probed
本研究在广泛总结前人研究成果与研究经验的基础上,利用空间数据挖掘和地形地貌学的基本理论,以陕北黄土高原多地貌类型区为实验样区,以1 10000比例尺dem为样本数据,探讨了dem中地形地貌数据挖掘与知识发现的理论方法和体系结构;确定了宏观和微观地形因子、地形综合特征知识的体系结构;系统总结了dem基本地形因子的提取算法,并重点对坡长、曲率、地形的起伏度、切割深度和沟壑密度因子提取的原理与算法作了深入的分析;提出了黄土高原地区区域特征知识的基本构成及其系统完整、科学可行的挖掘提取算法;扩充了arcviewgis软件平台中dem空间分析的基本功能;实现了以delphi7 . 0为平台的地形信息辅助挖掘系统的设计与开发;完成了对黄土高原多地貌类型区(样区)地形信息空间分异特征的分析。 - The topographic feature is one of the main factors that influence the process of soil erosion and sediment yield of small watershed . the quantitative parameters of small watershed topographic feature are average watershed slope , average slope length , gully density and so on , which are based on the quantitative method of slope character and do not reflect the essential character of the small watershed topographic feature , which are complex